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Our Tutors!

Inspiring Learning Every Day

Our Tutors are the Heart of our Program! Tutors work with students individually or in small study groups and offer tutoring as well as friendship, encouragement, guidance and mentorship. The tutoring program focuses the efforts of teachers on the diagnosed academic needs of students while harnessing the energies of tutors and learning support staff to reinforce the teachers' efforts.

The relationship that develops between tutors, teachers and students provides the kind of guidance, support and inspiration necessary for future success of students. It only takes one caring person to make a difference in a young person's life. 

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Education Internships

Education internships are the best way to bridge the gap between going to school and landing the right teaching job for you. Internships can help you develop your educational experience by learning the ropes from hands-on experience. 

At the end of your internship, you'll have relevant experience to help you decide or reinforce if a career in education is the right choice for you. 

Contact us at for more information!

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