Free After School Tutoring
"It's fun and I get to eat snacks and I get to get on the computers!" - Christopher (3rd Grade)
"I like that I get to do my homework and we can also get prizes!" - Leanna (2nd Grade)
"It's fun and I want to pass 4th grade and this is helping me." - Carlos (4th Grade)
"A mi me gusta hacer las tareas para que cuando llege a la casa, pueda jugar. Este Programa me ayudado aprendar un poquito de ingles." - Carlitos (4th Grade)
"Thank you E.C.F. for teaching me... My tutor has helped me graduate to first grade. I like going to class now because I don't feel like I'm behind anymore." -Raelynn (Kindergarten)
This is a letter from Crystal Garza, a parent who struggled to get her daughter the help she needed.
It details how E.C.F.'s After School Tutoring Program and educated tutors helped her daughter master academic standards.
There are not many free options for tutoring that are open to all students. Many tutoring centers charge hefty fees just for assessments, leaving many parents, students and teachers stuck.
E.C.F. is open to all elementary students enrolled in C.C.I.S.D. and provides each student with their very own private and educated tutor to work with them every Tuesday through Thursday. All of our tutors are early education majors from either Del Mar College or Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi.